Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Solitude is Bliss"

"Solitude is bliss"

One of those statements heard so often. But, have we ever wondered how many people actually believe this statement to be true? What is "Bliss" and What is "Solitude"?
Solitude- a state of being or living alone. Seclusion.
Bliss- Supreme Happiness.
So, just combining these 2 words gives me the meaning, Seclusion is supreme happiness. :):)

I, for one, believe in this statement one hundered percent. Why do I believe in this?

  • Helps ease the mind and clear it out

  • Can think more clearly

  • Most importantly, free to do what I want without any disturbance or distractions

For a while, I would keep my cellphone away for an entire day (Sundays). No calls no messages. Add to this, the luxury of sitting quietly by the seaside watching the waves consistently lapping against the rocks (Yep. These are the rocky seasides of Mumbai. Nowhere close to the sandy beaches of North Canara/Goa. But, have learnt to be content with that for now. :-)). Unfortunately, have been unable to do that for sometime now.

There are times when you are physically surrounded by a lot of people around you. But, mentally, you want to be far far away from everything around. There are rare occasions when I am successfully able to acheive that. Totally love that time.
October was a month when I was really lucky and got to enjoy the bliss of solitude. With my flatmates being away on vacation, I had the house all to myself for almost the entire month. Listening to music and some books which I had been wanting to read for a while. I must say I had an amazing time and actually wished my flatmates had longer vacations. ( I hope they don't read this post ;-))

During college, the best stress buster I ever had or my "think tank" if I may call it was the bike. Any time of day/night, when I was stresed/ had to clear out my mind, all I had to do was make up some excue and get out of the house with the bike keys. Do some aimless wandering on the bike alone with no destination in mind. When the mind eases out, head back home. This is something which intend to continue. Just waiting to get my hands on the steering wheel of a car of my own.

Does all this mean I am a "Loner"? Hell!!! No!!! I have my time with friends enjoying myself. And, I am not somebody who dislikes people. (Though one of my friends prefers to call me "Asocial" or "Anti-social" since I do not socialise as much as he does.) But, I enjoy spending time by myself. The "Me time" as some people refer to it.

Most importantly, I get the opportunity to put these thoughts on this blog only when I am enjoying some of "My Time". Lots more to say on this but not able to put them together for now. So, i guess will stop it here for now.

Hope to spend lots of time in a state of Solitude and Bliss. :) :)
