Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fight Club- Chuck Palahniuk

"Fight Club"- A book by Chuck Palahniuk published in 1996 and made into a mobvie in 1999.

A boring sunday afternoon when I had nothing to do and was exercising my thumb on the TV remote, saw the title of a movie "Fight Club" on Star Movies. The title caught my attention and was hoping it would be some action flick with Van Damme or some other bloke on the lines of Rocky, etc.

Saw the first half, couldn't make head or tail of the happenings on screen. But, the concept was kinda interesting and switched off thinking I shall watch it again some other time.

A couple of weeks later, saw the movie again and this time, watched the full movie. I could make some sense out of it.
Finally, got hold of the book and totally loved it.
A scary book to read when you are going through a phase where you are losing sleep and are sleeping less.
You start thinking on, "Where is my Life headed?". Don't know how many people would understand this. But, there are times in my life when I have thought of doing things if not crazier atleast on par with some activities part of "Project Mayhem". Did I let "sanity" prevail by not doing any of these or was it just fear of the consequences? Don't have a clue on the reason. Just the thought that I ever thought of such activties brings a smile onto my face. :)
Some of the quotes from the book which I ike-
1. "If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't"
2. "You just are, all that happens just happens"
3. "It's only after you have lost everything, that you are free to do anything"
4. "Maybe self-improvement is not the answer.. Maybe Self-Destruction is the answer.."

Really love the second one, "You just are, all that happens just happens". A very simple statement which I invariably believe is true when I think about it.

A disturbing book which might take away your sleep for a while. But, a book that I would recommend reading. :)


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